How to Cite a Podcast in APA Style | Format & Examples
Published on
December 9, 2020
Jack Caulfield.
Revised on
June 16, 2022.
To cite a podcast episode in APA Style, list the host as author, followed by the label “(Host),” the date, the episode title and number, the description “[Audio podcast episode],” the name of the podcast, the production company, and a URL if available.
If you listened through an app and don’t know the URL, omit it. If episodes are not numbered, this element can also be omitted. A timestamp can be used in an in-text citation to highlight a specific moment from the episode when quoting.
APA format
Host last name, Initials. (Host). (Year, Month Day). Episode title (No. Episode number) [Audio podcast episode]. In Podcast name. Production Company. URL
Vogt, P. J., & Goldman, A. (Hosts). (2016, May 12). On the inside (No. 64) [Audio podcast episode]. In Reply all. Gimlet.
If you don’t refer to a specific episode but to a podcast series more generally, it’s appropriate for your reference entry to cover the whole series.
In this case, you should usually still list the host as author, but you have the option of listing the executive producers instead (e.g. if hosts vary by episode). For the date, list a range of years showing what period the series ran for.
APA format
Host last name, Initials. (Host). orProducer last name, Initials. (Producer). (Year range). Podcast name [Audio podcast]. Production Company. URL
A podcast that takes the form of a video is cited very similarly to an audio podcast. The only difference is that you write “Video podcast” in square brackets rather than “Audio podcast.”
APA format
Host last name, Initials. (Host). orProducer last name, Initials. (Producer). (Year range). Podcast name[Video podcast]. Production Company. URL
Rogan, J. (Host). (2009–present). The Joe Rogan experience [Video podcast]. Spotify.
When citing a podcast episode in APA Style, the podcast’s host is listed as author, accompanied by a label identifying their role, e.g. Glass, I. (Host).
When citing a whole podcast series, if different episodes have different hosts, list the executive producer(s) instead. Again, include a label identifying their role, e.g. Lechtenberg, S. (Producer).
When you need to highlight a specific moment in a video or audio source, use a timestamp in your APA in-text citation. Just include the timestamp from the start of the part you’re citing. For example:
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Caulfield, J.
(2022, June 16). How to Cite a Podcast in APA Style | Format & Examples. Scribbr.
Retrieved November 3, 2023,
Jack is a Brit based in Amsterdam, with an MA in comparative literature. He writes for Scribbr about his specialist topics: grammar, linguistics, citations, and plagiarism. In his spare time, he reads a lot of books.