Want to be 100% sure you’re not plagiarizing?

AI Detector

Detect ChatGPT plagiarism and AI texts

Find out what % of the following texts were created with an AI:

  • Blog posts
  • General texts
  • Homework
  • Dissertation
  • Research paper

Recognize AI text for blog posts and SEO

You wrote your blog post with ChatGPT and are worried about Google penalizing it?

In just a few seconds you know if your text was created with AI.

Recognize AI texts in your studies

For Students: Find out if

  • your used sources were created by an AI
  • your work accidentally contains AI sections

For teachers: Find out if

  • submitted assignments were created with an AI
  • bachelor theses or dissertations were written with an AI

Confidently detects GPT2, GPT3, and GPT3.5

Check all possible sections of text for AI with our Scribbr AI Detector.

Scribbr can confidently detect GPT2, GPT3, and GPT3.5. We can also detect GPT4, although with lower confidence levels.


✍️ At work Blog articles and SEO texts
👨‍🎓 In academia Students and supervisors
🔎 GPT-Version GPT-3 and GPT-2
💶 100% free No sign-up required

Want to be 100% sure you’re not plagiarizing?


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Frequently asked questions

See all
Is the Scribbr AI detector really free?

Yes, this AI detector is free.

How many words can I check for AI text?

With this AI detector, you can check up to 500 words at a time.

Which GPT versions does the AI detector detect?

Scribbr’s AI detector detects the following GPT versions:

  • GPT-3
  • GPT-2