How to Cite a Book in MLA | Format & Examples
An MLA book citation always includes the author(s), title (italicized), publisher, and publication year in the Works Cited entry. If relevant, also include the names of any editors or translators, the edition, and the volume. “University Press” should be abbreviated to “UP” in a Works Cited entry.
The in-text citation gives the author’s last name and a page number in parentheses.
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Citing a book chapter
Use this format if the book’s chapters are written by different authors, or if the book is a collection of self-contained works (such as stories, essays, poems or plays). A similar format can be used to cite images from books or dictionary entries. If you cite several chapters from the same book, include a separate Works Cited entry for each one.
Start the Works Cited entry with the author and title of the chapter, followed by the book’s title, editor, publisher, and date, and end with the page range on which the chapter appears.
If there are two editors, give the full names of both. If there are more than two editors, follow the same rules as for citing multiple authors: name only the first editor followed by et al.
If you are citing a work from a book with no named editor (e.g. a collection of a single author’s poems or plays), use the same format, but leave out the editor element.
MLA format | Author last name, First name. “Title of Chapter or Work.” Book Title, edited by Editor name, Publisher, Year, pp. Page range. |
MLA Works Cited entry | Smith, Ali. “The Universal Story.” The Penguin Book of the Contemporary British Short Story, edited by Philip Hensher, Penguin Books, 2018, pp. 99–107. |
MLA in-text citation | (Smith 101) |
MLA format | Author last name, First name. “Title of Chapter or Work.” Book Title, edited by Editor names, Publisher, Year, pp. Page range. |
MLA Works Cited entry | Le Guin, Ursula K. “Deep in Admiration.” Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene, edited by Anna Tsing et al., U of Minnesota P, 2017, pp. 15–21. |
MLA in-text citation | (Le Guin 17) |
MLA format | Author last name, First name. “Title of Chapter or Work.” Book Title, Publisher, Year, pp. Page range. |
MLA Works Cited entry | Beckett, Samuel. “Catastrophe.” The Collected Shorter Plays, Grove Press, 2010, pp. 293–300. |
MLA in-text citation | (Beckett 299) |
Citing a whole collection or anthology
If you refer to a whole collection without citing a specific work within it, follow the standard book citation format. Include the editor(s) where the author would usually go, with a label to identify their role.
MLA format | Editor last name, First name, editor. Book Title. Publisher, Year. |
MLA Works Cited entry | Tsing, Anna, et al., editors. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene. U of Minnesota P, 2017. |
MLA in-text citation | (Tsing et al. 3) |
Editions of books
If the book cover or title page specifies an edition, add the edition number or name, followed by the abbreviation “ed.”, after the title. Note that versions of the Bible are treated slightly differently.
MLA format | Author last name, First name. Book Title. Edition ed., Publisher, Year. |
MLA Works Cited entry | Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. 2nd ed., Routledge, 1999. |
MLA in-text citation | (Butler 23) |
Including the original publication date
Classic books are often published and republished many times. If the original publication date is relevant or necessary to put the source in context, you can also include this directly after the title.
MLA format | Author last name, First name. Book Title. Original publication year. Edition ed., Publisher, Edition publication year. |
MLA Works Cited entry | Brontë, Emily. Wuthering Heights. 1847. Revised ed., Penguin Classics, 2002. |
MLA in-text citation | (Brontë 31) |
Multi-volume books
If you cite only one volume of a multi-volume work, include the volume number in the Works Cited entry.
If you cite more than one volume of the book, cite them as a single work and specify the total number of volumes in your Works Cited entry. In this case, the in-text citations must include the volume number as well as the page number.
MLA format | Author last name, First name. Book Title. Edition ed., vol. Volume number, Publisher, Year. |
MLA Works Cited entry | Rampersad, Arnold. The Life of Langston Hughes. 2nd ed., vol. 2, Oxford UP, 2002. |
MLA in-text citation | (Rampersad 64) |
MLA format | Author last name, First name. Book Title. Edition ed., Publisher, Year. Number of volumes vols. |
MLA Works Cited entry | Rampersad, Arnold. The Life of Langston Hughes. 2nd ed., Oxford UP, 2002. 2 vols. |
MLA in-text citation | (Rampersad 1: 25) |
Translated books
If the book is translated, include the translator’s name after the title.
MLA format | Author last name, First name. Book Title. Translated by Translator name, Publisher, Year. |
MLA Works Cited entry | Camus, Albert. The Plague. Translated by Robin Buss, Penguin Books, 2013. |
MLA in-text citation | (Camus 62) |
E-books and online books
The citation format for an e-book depends on how you accessed it.
Books accessed online
If you accessed the book via a website or database, use the standard MLA book citation format, followed by the name of the website or database and a link to the book. Look for a DOI, stable URL or permalink. If the book was accessed as a PDF, you may note this in your reference.
MLA format | Author last name, First name. Book Title. Publisher, Year. Website or Database Name, DOI/URL. |
MLA Works Cited entry | Brown, Wendy. States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity. Princeton UP, 1995. ACLS Humanities E-Book, |
MLA in-text citation | (Brown 12) |
Downloaded e-books
If you downloaded the book onto an e-reader device or app, you only have to add “E-book ed.” after the title.
If the e-book does not have page numbers, use an alternate locator, such as a chapter or section heading, in your in-text citation. Do not use locators that are specific to the device (e.g. Kindle locations).
MLA format | Author last name, First name. Book Title. Format, Publisher, Year. |
MLA Works Cited entry | Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. E-book ed., Verso, 2006. |
MLA in-text citation | (Anderson, ch. 5) |
Where to find information for a book citation
The title, author, publisher, and publication year are usually found on the book’s title page. You might have to check the copyright page for the publisher and publication year.
Note that the copyright date is not always the same as the publication date. If several different years appear on the copyright page, use the most recent one.
If the book has any editors or translators named on the cover page, include them in the citation after the book’s title.
Frequently asked questions about MLA style
- How do you write a book title in MLA?
In MLA style, book titles appear in italics, with all major words capitalized. If there is a subtitle, separate it from the main title with a colon and a space (even if no colon appears in the source). For example:
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and InheritanceThe format is the same in the Works Cited list and in the text itself. However, when you mention the book title in the text, you don’t have to include the subtitle.
The title of a part of a book—such as a chapter, or a short story or poem in a collection—is not italicized, but instead placed in quotation marks.
- When should I cite a book chapter in MLA?
In MLA Style, you should cite a specific chapter or work within a book in two situations:
- When each of the book’s chapters is written by a different author.
- When the book is a collection of self-contained works (such as poems, plays, or short stories), even if they are all written by the same author.
If you cite multiple chapters or works from the same book, include a separate Works Cited entry for each chapter.
- How do I cite information from a footnote in MLA style?
Some source types, such as books and journal articles, may contain footnotes (or endnotes) with additional information. The following rules apply when citing information from a note in an MLA in-text citation:
- To cite information from a single numbered note, write “n” after the page number, and then write the note number, e.g. (Smith 105n2)
- To cite information from multiple numbered notes, write “nn” and include a range, e.g. (Smith 77nn1–2)
- To cite information from an unnumbered note, write “un” after the page number, with a space in between, e.g. (Jones 250 un)
- When do I need to include an MLA in-text citation?
You must include an MLA in-text citation every time you quote or paraphrase from a source (e.g. a book, movie, website, or article).
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McCombes, S. (2022, June 16). How to Cite a Book in MLA | Format & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved November 3, 2023, from