APA TV and Radio Citations (6th Edition) | Format & Examples
When using information from a radio or TV show, you always have to add the producer of the show to your reference. The producer can normally be found on the website of the show.
Table of contents
Example radio-show in APA Style
APA-format | LastName, Initials. (Function). (Year, Month Day). TitleEpisode [Format]. In FirstInitial LastNameProducer (Function). NameSeries. City, State/Country: Producer. |
In reference list | Dane, F. T. (DJ). (2015, July 31). Lucille Werner manipulated Lingo [Radio Broadcast]. In P. Franssen (producer). Frank and Friday Show. Hilversum, The Netherlands: Radio 538. |
In the text |
Example TV-show in APA Style
APA-format | LastName, Initials. (Function). (Year, Month Day). TitleEpisode [Format]. In FirstInitial LastNameProducer (Function). NameSeries. City, State/Country: Producer. |
In reference list | Attenborough, D. F. (narrator). (2006, November 19). Jungles [TV-show]. In A. Fothergill (executive producer). Planet Earth. London, United Kingdom: BBC |
In the text |
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Driessen, K. (2022, September 06). APA TV and Radio Citations (6th Edition) | Format & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved November 4, 2023, from https://www.scribbr.com/apa-style/6th-edition/archived-tv-show/