APA Press Release Citation (6th Edition) | Format & Example
According to the APA Style you can handle the reference of a press release in the same way as a normal internet source. After the title you should add ‘press release’ in square brackets.
APA-format | AuthorLastName, Initials. Or NameOrganization. (Year, Month day). TitlePressRelease [Press release]. Retrieved from: http://WebAddress |
In reference list | The President’s Office. (2015, August 5). Vice President arrives in Egypt on official trip [Press release]. Retrieved from http://www.presidencymaldives.gov.mv/Index.aspx?lid=11&dcid=15744 |
In the text |
Open example in the APA Citation Generator |
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Driessen, K. (2020, December 10). APA Press Release Citation (6th Edition) | Format & Example. Scribbr. Retrieved November 3, 2023, from https://www.scribbr.com/apa-style/6th-edition/archived-press-release/