APA Conference Paper Citation (6th Edition) | Format & Examples
Proceedings are contributions to scientific conferences, congresses, symposiums or meetings. They often are published bundled and are formally published in a book or in periodicals. This represents a report about what has been discussed during a particular conference. The APA Style has specific rules for the notation of proceedings or conference papers.
APA-format | AuthorLastname, Initials. (Year). TitleConferencePaper. In Editor1Initial. Editor1LastName & Editor2Initial. Editor2Lastname. (Ed.), TitleProceedings (pp. Firstpage–Lastpage). City, State/Country: NamePublisher. (instead of the publisher you can also use the URL or DOI) |
In reference list | Katz, I., Gabayan, K. & Aghajan, H. (2007). A multi-touch surface using multiple cameras. In J. Blanc-Talon, W. Philips, D. Popescu & P. Scheunders (Red.), Lecture notes in Computer Science: Vol 4678. Advanced concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (pp. 97-108). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-74607-2_9 |
In the text |
Open example in the APA Citation Generator |
APA-format | AuthorLastName, Initials. (Year). TitleConferencePaper. TitleProceedings, volume, Firstpage-LastPage. https://doi.org/DoiNumber (instead of using the DOI, you can also use the URl: “Retrieved from http://Website”) |
In reference list | Tattersall, I. (2009). Human origins: Out of Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, 16018-16021. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0903207106 |
In the text |
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Driessen, K. (2020, November 06). APA Conference Paper Citation (6th Edition) | Format & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved November 3, 2023, from https://www.scribbr.com/apa-style/6th-edition/archived-conference-paper/