For Example Abbreviation (e.g.) | Usage & Examples
For example is a common phrase used to indicate an example or illustration to support a statement. In writing, it is often abbreviated as e.g. and used to introduce an example or series of examples.
This Latin abbreviation stands for “exempli gratia,” which translates to “for the sake of example.” The abbreviation should be written with lowercase letters, with a period after each letter, and followed by a comma.
I enjoy many outdoor activities, e.g., hiking, camping, and fishing.
During the experiment, participants weren’t allowed to use gadgets (e.g., smartphones, laptops, or smartwatches).
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E.g. vs. i.e.
“E.g.” and “i.e.” are sometimes confused, but they have different meanings and shouldn’t be used interchangeably:
- E.g. stands for “exempli gratia,” meaning “for example,” and is used to provide specific examples that fall under a more general category.
- I.e. stands for “id est,” meaning “that is,” and is used to clarify or rephrase a statement to make it more precise or specific.
Please contact us during normal working hours (i.e., between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on a weekday).
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Frequently asked questions
- What is the latin abbreviation for “for example”?
The latin abbreviation for “for example” is e.g., which stands for “exempli gratia.” This translates to “for the sake of example.”
It is used to introduce an example or a list of examples, as in the following sentence: “Many interesting species of animals (e.g., koalas, emus, and kangaroos) are native to Australia.”
- Is “ex” the abbreviation for “for example”?
The correct abbreviation for “for example” is e.g., not “ex.” “Ex” is sometimes used in informal language, but it’s best to avoid it, since this abbreviation can be confused with other uses of “ex,” such as its use to mean “former” in a term like “ex-boyfriend.”
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Merkus, J. (2023, August 23). For Example Abbreviation (e.g.) | Usage & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved November 3, 2023, from