Modelling vs. Modeling | Meaning, Spelling & Examples
Modelling and modeling are two different spellings of the present participle of the verb “model” (and the identical gerund) used to mean “display by wearing or posing” or to refer to the act of creating a representation or imitation of something.
The spelling tends to vary based on whether you’re using UK or US English:
- In UK English, “modelling” (double “l”) is standard, but “modeling” (one “l”) is acceptable.
- In US English, “modeling” (one “l”) is correct.
Modelling/modeling auditions will be held in the local theater.
Isla’s research involves computational modelling/modeling.
Modelling/modeling is a very competitive industry.
Modelled or modeled
Modelled and modeled are the past simple and past participle forms of the verb “model.” The same spelling distinction carries over to these past forms:
- In UK English, “modelled” is more common.
- In US English, “modeled” is correct.
I have some acting experience, but I’ve never modelled/modeled.
Modeler or modeller
Modeler and modeller are nouns used to refer to someone who makes models (whether physical or abstract) or uses models to determine the implications of the information they provide.
Kate is a numerical modeller/modeler whose research focuses on the erosion of the Earth’s surface.
Other interesting language articles
If you want to know more about commonly confused words, definitions, common mistakes, and differences between US and UK spellings, make sure to check out some of our other language articles with explanations, examples, and quizzes.
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Ryan, E. (2023, August 23). Modelling vs. Modeling | Meaning, Spelling & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved November 3, 2023, from